Fri Sep 16, 2016


As a team, take 3 minutes to come up with

  1. A couple of male and female names that are "more modern"
  2. A couple of male and female names that are "more old-fashioned"
  3. More difficult: One male and one female name that are "back in vogue"

What are R Packages?

  • Base R, i.e. R straight out of the box, is fairly limited in power and functionality.
  • R Packages are extensions to R contributed by a world-wide community of R users that extend base R's functionality and are downloadable over the internet from RStudio.

Click here for a list.

Installing/Loading Packages

Today we are going to install 3 packages:

  • dplyr: a package for data manipulation
  • ggplot2: a package for data visualization
  • babynames: a package of baby name data

Go to Files Panel -> Packages -> Install -> Type in dplyr ggplot2 babynames to install all 3 at once.

Installing/Loading Packages

  • You only need to install packages once, but its a good idea to periodically update your package by clicking "Update"
  • However, each time you use a package you need to load it first by running library(PACKAGENAME) in the console each time you start R

babynames Package

The babynames package contains for each year from 1880 to 2013, the number of children born of each sex given each name in the United States (source: SSA).


  • All names with more than 5 uses are given
  • If a name occured less than 5 times in a given year for a given sex, it is lumped into "Other"