Mon Nov 7, 2016

Recall… Again

  • Lec20 Different Types of Sampling:
    • You are a statistician and you meet someone who claims to be able to tell by tasting whether the tea or the milk was added first to a cup.
    • Say you have 8 cups, tea, and milk handy.
  • Lec21 Randomized Experiments:
    • How would you design an experiment to test whether a) they can really tell which came first or b) they are just guessing?


  • Lec22: You run the experiements and get results. What now?

Lady Tasting Tea

This experiment is known as The Lady Tasting Tea, occurred in the early 1900's and the statistician was Ronald Fisher:


  • Reports indicate the taster got all 8 cups right.

Lady Tasting Tea

Recall the two competing hypotheses:

  1. She truly has the ability to tell which came first: milk or tea.
  2. She is just guessing.

Let's suppose 2 is true…

Lady Tasting Tea

… i.e. suppose she is guessing.

  1. What is the probability she guesses one cup right?
  2. What's more likely? That she get 4 correct or get 7 correct?
  3. What is the probability she guesses all eight right?
  4. Big One: How unlikely is this result? This is the ultimate statement: BS or not?

Learning Check: Simulation

  1. See if using the resample() and do() commands you can
    • simulate many, many, many cases of someone guessing at random for the eight cups, then
    • count the number of correct guesses
  2. How would you compare
    • the observed number of correct guesses (in this case 8)
    • to the typical number of correct guesses assuming she is guessing at random?

Learning Check: Starter Code

Create a new R Script (File -> New File -> R Script) and copy the following starter code:


# Single cup
guess_cup <- c(1, 0)

Learning Check: For Problem Set08

  • We define guess_cup <- c(1, 0) where
    • 1 denotes correctly guessed
    • 0 denotes incorrectly guessed
  • So to count the number correct you only need to sum() values of 0 and 1.