Let’s revisit the OkCupid profile data. Run the following in your console:



# Added line: let's remove all users (i.e. rows) who did not list a height. is.na() returns
# TRUE if missing, so we want those that are NOT missing.
profiles <- profiles %>% 

Then run the following:

n <- 5
samples <- do(10000) * 
  mean(resample(profiles$height, size=n, replace=TRUE))
samples <- samples %>% 
ggplot(samples, aes(x=mean)) +
  geom_histogram(binwidth = 1) +

Learning Checks

  1. Discuss with your seatmates what the following code does.
  2. Try varying n. What does this correspond to doing?
  3. How does the histogram change?


This code

  • Samples n=5 OkCupid users with replacement from the population of OkCupid users
  • Computes the sample mean height \(\overline{x} = \frac{1}{n}\sum_{i=1}^{n}x_i\), where \(x_i\) is the height of the \(i\)th sampled user out of \(n\).
  • Does this many, many, many times i.e. 10000 times
  • Plots the distribution of these 10000 values of \(\overline{x}\) via a histogram


Varying n corresponds to sampling a different amount of people. Here are the histogram of sample means when

  • n=5
  • n=50


The histogram for n=500 latter is narrower i.e. less variable i.e. more precise.


Point Estimate of True Population Mean

Recall that in both cases, the sample mean \(\overline{x}\) is a point estimate of the true population mean \(\mu\), i.e. the true mean height of all 60K OkCupid users. i.e. \(\mu\) = 68.3 inches (or about 5’8’’). Let’s plot this value in red:

We see that using n=50, our sample means \(\overline{x}\) i.e. our point estimates of \(\mu\) are more often closer to the true population mean in red. We are more often closer to the true value. This is why sample size matters!

Confidence Interval

Let’s look at the middle 95% of values for n=5. It is [65.0, 71.6]. i.e.

  • 2.5% of values are to the left of the left dashed line
  • 95% of values are between the two dashed lines
  • 2.5% of values are to the right of the right dashed line

Let’s look at the middle 95% of values for n=50. It is [67.18, 69.40]: