

Rewrite rflip(10) using the resample() command. Hint: coin <- c("H", "T")

Answer: resample() by default samples with replacement and with equal probability. All we need to change is the size argument:

coin <- c("H", "T")

# Compare the following multiple times:
resample(coin, size=10)


Rewrite the shuffle() command by changing the minimal number of default settings of resample(). Test this on fruit

Answer: shuffle() is the same as sampling without replacement. All you need to change the replace argument from the default of TRUE to FALSE.

fruit <- c("apple", "orange", "mango")

# Compare the following multiple times:
resample(fruit, replace=FALSE)


Write code that will allow you to generate a sample of 15 fruit without replacement.

Answer: The following yields an error. You can’t sample more balls without replacement than there are balls in the machine. Alternatively, the largest sample without replacement of fruit is of size 3.

fruit <- c("apple", "orange", "mango")
resample(fruit, size=15, replace=FALSE)


Write code that will allow you to generate a sample of 15 fruit with replacement.

Answer: This works!

fruit <- c("apple", "orange", "mango")
resample(fruit, size=15)


What’s the fastest way to do the above 5 times? Write it out

Answer: Use do()!

fruit <- c("apple", "orange", "mango")
do(5) * resample(fruit, size=15)
##       V1     V2     V3     V4     V5     V6     V7     V8     V9    V10
## 1  apple orange  apple  mango  mango  mango  mango orange orange orange
## 2 orange  apple  apple orange orange  apple orange  apple  apple  apple
## 3 orange  mango  mango  mango  mango orange  mango orange  apple orange
## 4 orange orange orange orange  apple orange  apple  apple  mango orange
## 5 orange orange orange  apple  mango  apple  mango  mango  mango  apple
##      V11    V12    V13    V14    V15
## 1  mango  apple  apple orange  mango
## 2 orange  mango  apple  mango  apple
## 3  mango orange  apple  mango orange
## 4  apple  mango orange  mango  mango
## 5 orange orange  mango  mango orange