The raw data behind the story "Should Travelers Avoid Flying Airlines That Have Had Crashes in the Past?" https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/should-travelers-avoid-flying-airlines-that-have-had-crashes-in-the-past/.
A data frame with 56 rows representing airlines and 9 variables:
indicates that regional subsidiaries are included
available seat kilometers flown every week
Total number of incidents, 1985-1999
Total number of fatal accidents, 1985-1999
Total number of fatalities, 1985-1999
Total number of incidents, 2000-2014
Total number of fatal accidents, 2000-2014
Total number of fatalities, 2000-2014
Aviation Safety Network https://aviation-safety.net.
# To convert data frame to tidy data (long) format, run: library(dplyr) library(tidyr) library(stringr) airline_safety_tidy <- airline_safety %>% pivot_longer(-c(airline, incl_reg_subsidiaries, avail_seat_km_per_week), names_to = "type", values_to = "count") %>% mutate( period = str_sub(type, start=-5), period = str_replace_all(period, "_", "-"), type = str_sub(type, end=-7) )