• Problem set 2
  • Problem set 1
    • Identify your team
    • Get set up
    • Work on your problem set

Problem set 2

Due on GitHub by Friday at 9am.

Problem set 1

The goal of this problem set is merely to take your first steps collaborating via GitHub. All group problem sets this semester will be based on this workflow. Added on Mon 2/3 at 8pm: Due on GitHub by Friday 2/7 at the start of lecture.

Identify your team

Go to the class GitHub organization and find:

  • Under Teams:
    • Find your team number and your teammate (team17 has 3 members).
    • Say hi and make eye contact with your teammate!
    • For next week’s lecture, sit next to your teammate!
  • Under Repositories:
    • Locate your team’s repository. As an example, say yours is ps1-team76.

Get set up

In this section, you’ll be installing git on your computer and syncing it with RStudio.

  • If you have previously synced git and RStudio on your computer, you won’t need to complete all these steps
  • If not, I highly recommend you start early so that you have time to visit the Spinelli Center evening tutoring hours .

You will be using the “Happy Git and GitHub for the useR” book to:

  1. Get familiar with GitHub. Read:
    • Chapter 1: Why Git? Why GitHub?
  2. Install GitHub on your computers and set it up. Read and perform all steps in:
    • Chapter 4: Register a GitHub account You’ve already done this
    • Chapter 5: Install or upgrade R and RStudio You’ve already done this
    • Chatper 6: Install Git
    • Chapter 7: Introduce yourself to Git
  3. “Clone” your team’s repository onto your computer. As an example, say yours is ps1-team76. Read and perform all steps in:
    • Chapter 12: Connect RStudio to Git and GitHub. For Section 12.2 ignore what’s in the book and do the following:
      1. You will not “Make a repo on GitHub,” but rather use the ps1-team76 repo from the previous step.
      2. Click the big green button “Create repository.”
      3. Copy the HTTPS clone URL to your clipboard via the green “Clone or Download” button.

Work on your problem set

Jointly edit only the README.md file:

  1. Add all your names to the 4th line of the bulleted list.
  2. Make other markdown-based edits. Added on Mon 2/3 at 8pm: For examples of markdown-based edits, see RStudio -> Menu bar on top -> Help -> Markdown quick reference.
  3. Each team member should make at least two commits.
  4. Later on, we’ll practice merge conflicts and branching.

For an example, check out team18 consisting of me and Guy Incognito.