forestecology 0.2.0: Ecology and Evolution Unreleased

forestecology 0.1.0: First CRAN submission 2021-03-12

  • Switched CI from travis to GitHub actions
  • Refactored spatial cross-validation in run_cv() to use purrr::map_dfr() using the fit_one_fold() function
  • Transition modeling, prediction, and plotting functions from generics to S3 methods for the comp_bayes_lm class.
  • Aligned inputs and outputs of modeling and prediction functions with S3 modeling conventions and tidy data principles. Namely,
    • The comp_bayes_lm() modeling function takes in a data frame at a level of observation equivalent to that which the model is actually fit to: each row is a unique focal observation/tree rather than focal-competitor observation pairs/trees. The function outputs a model object with several associated modeling S3 methods.
    • predict.comp_bayes_lm() takes in a model object as its first argument and input data as its second argument. The output, an unnamed vector, has length equal to the input data.
  • Added argument checks.