A date frame mapping the species codes to their common names, scientific names, and families. This also includes a trait-based clustering of the species.



A data frame with 46 rows and 6 variables:


The code for the species. Link to census_2008_bw and census_2014_bw with sp variable.




Species epithet


Scientific name




Clustering of species based on three traits rather than their evolutionary relationships. The traits are specific leaf area, maximum height, and wood density


For more information on trait clustering see Allen and Kim 2020 "A permutation test and spatial cross-validation approach to assess models of interspecific competition between trees." doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0229930 PLOS One 15: e0229930.

See also


library(dplyr) # Original 2008 census data census_2008_bw
#> # A tibble: 27,193 × 8 #> treeID stemID sp gx gy dbh date codes #> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <chr> #> 1 1 1 white_oak 8.7 108. 41.2 2008-07-01 M #> 2 2 1 serviceberry 10.8 109. 5.9 2008-07-01 M #> 3 3 1 black_cherry 11.6 106. 45.2 2008-07-01 M #> 4 14951 1 black_cherry 12 107 3.8 2008-07-01 M #> 5 4 1 red_maple 12.5 108. 4.1 2008-07-01 M #> 6 5 1 red_maple 12.5 106. 4.6 2008-07-01 M #> 7 6 1 red_maple 13.3 107. 8.3 2008-07-01 M #> 8 7 1 red_maple 14.9 106. 6.1 2008-07-01 M #> 9 8 1 red_maple 15.6 109 7.7 2008-07-01 M #> 10 9 1 red_maple 16.5 108. 4 2008-07-01 M #> # … with 27,183 more rows
# 2008 census data with additional species information census_2008_bw %>% left_join(species_bw, by = "sp")
#> # A tibble: 27,193 × 13 #> treeID stemID sp gx gy dbh date codes genus species latin #> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <date> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> #> 1 1 1 white… 8.7 108. 41.2 2008-07-01 M querc… alba querc… #> 2 2 1 servi… 10.8 109. 5.9 2008-07-01 M amela… arborea amela… #> 3 3 1 black… 11.6 106. 45.2 2008-07-01 M prunus seroti… prunu… #> 4 14951 1 black… 12 107 3.8 2008-07-01 M prunus seroti… prunu… #> 5 4 1 red_m… 12.5 108. 4.1 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> 6 5 1 red_m… 12.5 106. 4.6 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> 7 6 1 red_m… 13.3 107. 8.3 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> 8 7 1 red_m… 14.9 106. 6.1 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> 9 8 1 red_m… 15.6 109 7.7 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> 10 9 1 red_m… 16.5 108. 4 2008-07-01 M acer rubrum acer_… #> # … with 27,183 more rows, and 2 more variables: family <chr>, #> # trait_group <chr>