This is an example growth data frame formed from two census data frames. In this case it is made by combining census_1_ex and census_2_ex. The individuals alive in both censuses were linked by their tree ID.



A sf spatial tibble


Tree identification number. This identifies an individual tree and can be used to connect trees between the two censuses.


Species of the individual


Code for additional information on the stem during the first census: M means the main stem of the individual tree and R means the stem was lost, but the tag was moved to another stem greater than DBH cutoff, this stands for resprout.


Diameter at breast height of the tree in cm at the first census


Diameter at breast height of the tree in cm at the second census


Average annual growth between the two censuses in cm per year


Codes at the second census


Point location of the individual

See also


growth_ex %>% group_by(sp) %>% summarize(mean(growth))
#> Simple feature collection with 2 features and 2 fields #> Geometry type: MULTIPOINT #> Dimension: XY #> Bounding box: xmin: 0.75 ymin: 0.75 xmax: 8.75 ymax: 4.5 #> CRS: NA #> # A tibble: 2 × 3 #> sp `mean(growth)` geometry #> <fct> <dbl> <MULTIPOINT> #> 1 american_beech NA ((1.5 2.5), (3 1.5), (5.5 4.5), (8.5 0.75), (8.… #> 2 sugar_maple 0.920 ((0.75 2.5), (1.75 2.25), (3.25 1.75), (8 1.5),…
# Add buffer growth_spatial_ex <- growth_ex %>% add_buffer_variable(direction = "in", size = 1, region = study_region_ex) # Add cross-validation folds fold1 <- rbind(c(0, 0), c(5, 0), c(5, 5), c(0, 5), c(0, 0)) fold2 <- rbind(c(5, 0), c(10, 0), c(10, 5), c(5, 5), c(5, 0)) blocks <- bind_rows( sf_polygon(fold1), sf_polygon(fold2) ) %>% mutate(foldID = c(1, 2)) SpatialBlock_ex <- spatialBlock( speciesData = growth_ex, verbose = FALSE, k = 2, selection = "systematic", blocks = blocks )
# Add foldID to data growth_spatial_ex <- growth_spatial_ex %>% mutate(foldID = SpatialBlock_ex$foldID %>% as.factor())